Lassen DR + GPS Reference Manual 71
Table 41: List of Kalman Filter Configuration parameters
Subcode Name Type LSB Range Default Meaning
0x01 MinGainIndex U32 1 ms < 40000 0 minimum settling time of code-
carrier filter
0x02 MinSVs U32 [3, # of
3 Minimum number of SVs for fix
0x03 NoEditAMU5 U32 0.2 AMU < 16.0 AMU 14.0 AMU maximum AMU value at which
editing is allowed
0x04 MinAMU5 U32 0.2 AMU < 16.0 AMU 2.0 AMU Minimum acceptable AMU
0x05 MaxEdits U32 [0, 232-1] 60 Maximum number of fix
rejections before KF reset
0x06 MaxGPSPropTime U32 Not currently used
0x07 MaxAcc FLT (m/s2) [0, 20] 6.0 vehicle acceleration limit
0x08 MaxVel FLT (m/s) [0, 126] 150.0
vehicle velocity limit
0x09 SigmaHorizAcc FLT (m/s2) [0, 20] 0.5 typical horizontal acceleration
0x0A SigmaFreqAcc FLT (m/s2) [0, 20] 1.0 typical frequency drift
0x0B CarrSigSq FLT (m/s) [0, 2] (0.07)2 Doppler error variance
0x0C MaxAcceptSigmaSq FLT
(σ2) [0, 1012] (4.0)2 edit limit for residuals
0x0D InitPosVar FLT (m2) [0, 1012] (1000.)2 initial position error variance
0x0E InitBiasVar FLT (m2) [0, 1012] (1000.)2 initial clock bias error variance
0x0F ClockModelError FLT (m2) [0, 106] (1.0)2 extra clock process noise (to
de couple clock model)
0x10 RejectSSR FLT
(σ2) [0, 1012] (6.0)2 rejection limit for normalized a
posteriori residual
0x11 SigSlope1Sq FLT (slope2) [0, 4] (0.1)2 typical velocity slope
0x12 SigSlope2Sq FLT (slope2) [0, 4] (0.05)2 typical change-in-position
0x13 MaxSlope3Sq FLT (slope2) [0, 4] (0.3)2 rejection limit for velocity slope
0x14 MinVVelSq FLT (m/s) [0, 16] 1.0 minimum vertical velocity for
slope rejection
0x15 Alt2Dvar FLT (m2) [0, 108] (1.0)2 Variance of 2D altitude-hold
altitude measurement
0x16 Tacho Delay Time S32 1 ms 0 Not currently used
0x17 Bit Flag Controls U32 [0, 232-1] 0 1 = suppress map match