Setting Your Weight
three : Basic Operation
Incline Control: use either the up and down keys by themselves to change incline. Or, enter a target incline with the numeric keys, then press the small Enter key , and then press either the up
or down key to change to that incline.
Setting Your Weight
Care should be taken when using the numeric keys to control your treadmill's speed and incline, since large changes in those values are possible with just a few keystrokes.
Slow the treadmill to below 2 mph using the key. Press
Your body weight must be entered so that the treadmill accurately estimates your calorie expenditure. This weight must include your workout clothing, too, which typically adds about three pounds.
The treadmill will work fine without your weight setting, but will be unable to calculate your total calories.
The treadmill will remember the last weight you entered.
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Z 8 a n d Z 9 S e r i e s Tr e a d m i l l O w n e r ' s G u i d e