Care and Maintenance
Care and Maintenance
NOTE: Messages appear in the Message Center on the Z8.1, Z9, Z9.1 and Z9.15. The messages display differently on the Z8 and appear in the Pri- mary Display Window. They are shown in parentheses.
1.Hold the (minus/plus) while placing the Safety Key on the Keyboard. The following messages will repeat themselves:
2.Press (up arrow) to display total hours. The following messages will display:
HOURS | (ttL) No. of hours on the treadmill |
3.Press (up arrow) to display total distance. The following messages will display:
DISTANCE | (dIS) No. of miles on the treadmill |
4.Press (up arrow) to display average speed. The following messages will display:
AVG SPEED | (ASP) average speed on the treadmill |
5.Press (up arrow) to display units. Press (plus) or (minus) to toggle. The following messages will display:
UNITS | ENG(Eng) or MET (H) |
Z 8 a n d Z 9 S e r i e s Tr e a d m i l l O w n e r ' s G u i d e