3.4.3 | Configuration Menu |
Configuration Menu | Description |
Level Units | Level units used for display and Modbus data. |
| or FT are valid. Use F1/F2 to select. |
Temp Units | Temperature units used for display and Modbus data. F, C, or K |
| are valid. Use F1/F2 to select. |
Level Sensor | Direction of gauge. Forward/Reverse |
Calib Level2 | Command used to calibrate to a new level. Pressing F4 causes |
| ATT to ask for the current level to be entered. |
Batt Off2 | Command used to turn the battery off. Pressing F4 causes the |
| battery to be turned off. |
Damping | Damping value used for level and temperature readings. |
| is valid. |
Temp Sensor | Type of temperature sensor attached. None, Copper RTD, or |
| Platinum RTD are valid. Use F1/F2 to select. |
Manual Temperature | If there is no temperature sensor, this is the value displayed |
| and returned for temperature. |
Noise Reject | Sets up the noise rejection for the A/D. 50 and 60 Hz are valid. |
| Use F1/F2 to select. |
Critical High Level | Critical high level alarm setpoint. |
Advisory High Level | Advisory high level alarm setpoint. |
Advisory Low Level | Advisory Low LevelAdvisory low level alarm setpoint. |
Critical Low Level | Critical low level alarm setpoint. |
Level Deadband | Deadband used for level alarms. |
Critical High Temp | Critical high temperature alarm setpoint. |
Advisory High Temp | Advisory high temperature alarm setpoint. |
Advisory Low Temp | Advisory low temperature alarm setpoint. |
Critical Low Temp | Critical low temperature alarm setpoint. |
Temp Deadband | Deadband used for temperature alarms. |