Configuration | Tank Gauge Transmitter |
3.5.1Imperial Fractional 1900 Quick Setup Defaults
General Configuration |
Level Units | |
Temp Units | F |
Level Sensor | Forward |
Damping | 0 |
Temp Sensor | Copper RTD |
Manual Temperature |
Critical High Level | |
Advisory High Level | |
Advisory Low Level | 0 |
Critical Low Level | 0 |
Level Deadband | |
Critical High Temp | 500 |
Advisory High Temp | 500 |
Advisory Low Temp | 0 |
Critical Low Temp | 0 |
Temp Deadband | 1 |
Host Configuration |
Type | Mark/Space |
Address | 999 |
Low Speed | N |
Transmitter to Simulate | 1900 MWT |
Encoder to Simulate | Eng Frac |
Return Temp | Y |
Temp To Simulate | F |
Offset Temp by 100 | Y |
Low Battery Indication | HwIn1 |
Max Integer Value | 9999 |
Minimum Level | 0 |
Maximum Level | |
Minimum Temperature | 0 |
Maximum Temperature | 500 |
20 | Installation and Operations Manual |