STB Admin Guide 21

Chapter 3

Local Configuration
When the Start Mode is configured for Local, the STB will display static listings and previews
of multiple channels on the network. These listing are hard-coded in an xml file. This xml file
is used for Local mode installations only; it does not apply when operating in MCS mode or Local-
Fullscreen mode. (To select Start Mode in the web-based STB configuration application, go to
Configuration > Video > Setup > Start Mode.) Examples of the local xml file that contains
local mode program information are shown on the following pages. This xml file will need to
be modified for each network installation so that IP addresses, port numbers, encoder types
and program listings correspond to actual network settings available onsite.
When the Start Mode is set to Local, the STB user interface is defined by the local
administrator. The default location of the local user interface is on the STB in /wfs/localUI/
stbLocalUITemplate.htm. This HTML file and the other Javascript, XML, CSS, and image
files in /wfs/localUI are provided as a sample user interface that can be customized for your
specific requirements. (To change the location of the UI, go to Configuration > Video >
Setup > Local UI Location.) The window below shows the interface page
(stbLocalUITemplate.htm) after it has been modified with stream data.
Figure 1. Sample Interface in Local Mode
Topics in this chapter
Accessing the XML Configuration File