10 EtherneTV Media Distribution System
Local UI Location
Home Page Location/Home Page Enable
Main Volume/Line 1 Volume
RTSP Streaming
Data Buffering Seconds
Buffer Check for Underflow
Lowest Bitrate for Buffer Check
Audio Data Port/Video Data Port/CC Data Port
RTP Data Port
Proxy Type, HTTP Proxy Host and Port
Options Panel Login
Start Mode
The EtherneTV STB can operate in one of three modes described here. Use MCS mode if
there is an ETV Portal Server (formerly MCS) installed on your network. Otherwise you must
select Local or Local-Full Screen mode.
MCS LocationReceive Address
MCS Use if the installation includes the EtherneTV Portal Server.
Local Use if the installation does not include the EtherneTV Portal Server.
If Local, the site administrator must configure the Program Guide. See
Local Configuration on page 21 for more information.
Local-Fullscreen Use if the desired operation is to set the unit to decode one channel
and operate in full screen mode at boot up. If you select Local-
Fullscreen mode, you must also enter a Receive Address; see below.
MCS Location When the start mode is configured for MCS, this parameter
determines the IP address of the ETV Portal Server that the STB will
obtain its program listing information from. Enter the IP Address of
the portal server. The format is
ReceiveAddress When the Start mode is configured for Local-Fullscreen, this
parameter determines the IP address of the stream to be decoded. The
choice of receive address/program info and stream type of the desired
video must be entered here and must follow the syntax examples
shown in Table1, Receive Address Syntax. Note that you can use a
hostname or numeric IP address wherever an <ipaddr> is called for if
the hostname is entered in the local DNS server.