Base Cabinets
✪Installation Notes & Accessories
Side Panels
•Panels finish sides of base cabinets at the end of a run
•Fit flush into recessed sides of cabinets
Model | Description | Approx. ship wt. lbs. (kg) |
VSP30 | 30”W. x | 16 (7.3) |
Back Panels
•For use in custom island installations
•Individual panels for each cabinet
Model | Description | Approx. ship wt. lbs. (kg) | |
VBP18 | 18”W. back panel (for VBO1811/1830 & VTPO1810) | 12 | (5.4) |
VBP24 | 24”W. back panel (for VSBO2402) | 15 | (6.8) |
VBP36 | 36”W. back panel (for VSBO3602) | 23 | (10.4) |
Filler Strips, Pieces, & Other Corner Panel Kits
•Strips separate cabinets and create turns
o Mount sides flush with doors, NOT cabinet face
•Fit flush into recessed sides of cabinets
•VOCF90 & VOCF135 shipped with two unattached back panels
Model | Description | Approx. ship wt. lbs. (kg) |
VCF90 | Corner filler piece (each side is | 5 (2.3) |
VCF135 | Corner filler piece (each side is | 5 (2.3) |
VFLR4 | General filler strip | 5 (2.3) |
VBPFLR4 | 4”W. back panel (for use w/VFLR4) | 5 (2.3) |
VOCF90 | Outer corner filler panel kit (each side is 4”W.)— | 40 (18.1) |
| for connecting 2 back panels at 90° angle and adding countertop support |
VOCF135 | Outer corner filler panel kit (each side is 4”W.)— | 40 (18.1) |
| for connecting 2 back panels at 135° angle and adding countertop support |
•Lifetime limited
* For complete warranty see Use & Care Guide. Warranty valid on Viking products shipped within the United States and Canada.
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