Standard Features & Accessories
All models include
• |
| plates or proofing bread | • Open vent to keep foods crisp |
• |
| o High setting keeps soups and | • Close vent to keep foods moist |
o |
| sauces piping hot | • |
perimeter trim | • | Powerful heating element | sized low racks and moisture cup |
o Stainless steel |
| o | (both removable) |
for smooth drawer operation |
| o | o Racks have slots for heat distribution |
o Large, |
| o | o Racks cover entire bottom of pan for |
• | • Power "on" indicator light cycles on | the largest loads or can be used for | |
available |
| and off with heating element | only half coverage by removing one |
o 27”W. | • | Versatile | section |
o 30”W. |
| regulates the amount of moisture | o |
o 36”W. |
| released from the drawer | to increase interior humidity |
• |
| o Adjustments can be made without | • Entire drawer removes for easy |
drawer available |
| opening the drawer and affecting | cleaning |
• Temperature settings from 90°F – 250°F |
| the interior temperature and | • Power on indicator light cycles on and |
o Low setting is ideal for warming |
| humidity | off with heating element |
Model Options
VEWD173T | VEWD103T | VEWD163T |
27”W. Warming Drawer | 30”W. Warming Drawer | 36”W. Warming Drawer |
•Stainless Steel (SS) o Black knob.
•Brass Trim Option
If ordering optional brass trim, specify code at end (VEWD173TSSBR).
P L A N N I N G A N D D E S I G N G U I D E | R E L E A S E D 1 2 / 1 / 0 7 |
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