Telephone operation
Voice mail
Your phone is designed to work with most local and regional telephone service provider’s voice messaging systems, providing alerts on both the handset and telephone base when new messages come in.
Voice messaging is a subscription service, available through most service providers, for a fee. Contact your local telephone company for more information.
When a caller leaves a message in your voice mailbox, the VOICEMAIL light on the telephone base will flash. In addition, the handset will display:
5:40 PM | 5/01 |
Clear voice mail alert
If after you review your message(s) your message waiting alert does not go off, you may manually turn it off by:
1.Press PROG.
2.Press or
until screen displays CLR VOICEMAIL
3.Press SELECT, the screen displays:
to select YES or NO.
5.Press SELECT to confirm.
•Turning off the voice mail indicator only turns off the displayed NEW
VOICEMAIL message on the handset screen; it does not delete your voice mail message(s). Use this feature when the phone indicates there is voice mail when you have none, or you have accessed your voice mail from a remote location (other than your home).
If there actually is a new voice mail message, your local telephone company will continue to send the message which turns the displayed
Basic operation
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