Troubleshooting installation and network configuration
This is a major security risk. For instructions on how to allow any incoming services, refer to “Adding the Any service” on page 38
How do I allow incoming IP protocols?
You will need the IP address of the computer that will be receiving the incoming data and the IP protocol number that corresponds to the specific incoming IP protocol. To allow an incoming IP protocol:
1Using your Web browser, go to
2Click Services and then click Allowed Incoming Services.
3Click Add a Service and then click Add Other Service.
4In the protocol field, enter the protocol to allow.
5Enter the IP address of the computer to receive incoming data for that protocol. Click Submit.
How do I set up and disable Web blocking?
1Using your Web browser, go to
2Click Services and then click Web Blocking.
3Enable the checkbox labeled Enable Web Blocking. Enter a password, time limit per session for your password, and enable
the checkbox next to the type of sites you want blocked.
To disable Web blocking, disable the checkbox labeled Enable Web
How do I allow incoming services such as UDP, POP3, Telnet, and Web?
1Using your Web browser, go to
2Click Services and then click Allowed Incoming Services.