The shaded area in the diagram below shows all allowable combinations of vertical runs with horizontal terminations. Maximum one 90O elbow (two 45o elbows equal one 90o elbow), not including the 45o elbow attached to the unit.
RESIDENTIAL AND Manufactured Homes / Mobile Homes Installations
The venting arrangements diagrammed below, have a minimum of 75% (flue loss) efficiency with Fan Off, as required for manufactured homes. (Actual efficiency may be as high as 85%.)
Note: See page 9 for installation instructions for the Vent Restrictors. These must be installed before the pipe is connected to the unit. The vent restrictors are shipped inside the stove.
Horizontal Venting
Page 12 & Page 13:
If you are terminating within this shaded area Vent Restrictor #2 must be used.
If you are terminating within this shaded area no Vent Restrictor is required.
If you are terminating within this shaded area Vent Restrictor #1 must be used.
Venting Arrangements Examples:
Example A)
Venting with horizontal termination.
A 10 ft. vertical run with 10 ft. horizontal run falls within the shaded area, and therefore is an allowable installation with Vent Restrictor #2.
Example B)
Venting is not enclosed and has a horizontal termination.
A 7 ft. vertical run with 10 ft. horizontal run falls within the shaded area, and therefore is an allowable installation with no vent restrictor required.
Example C)
Offset to Vertical Vent - Venting with vertical termination.
A 15 ft. vertical run with 4 ft. horizontal offset distance falls within the shaded area and is an allowable installation with Vent Restrictor #1.
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