7.Supervisor Mode: Permits or denies access to Supervisor Mode at this port. When enabled (Permit), and a password that permits Supervisor Mode is entered, the port will allow access to Supervisor Mode commands. When disabled (Deny), the port will not enter Supervisor Mode, even when a password that normally permits access to Supervisor Mode is entered. (Default = Permit).
Note: The Supervisor Mode cannot be disabled at Ports 1 or 2.
8.Logoff Character: Defines the Logoff Character for this port. The Logoff Character determines the command(s) or character(s) that must be issued at this port in order to disconnect from a second port (Resident Disconnect). (Default = ^X ([Ctrl] plus [X])).
Note: When redefining the Logoff Character, make certain to select a character that does not normally occur in your data.
9.Sequence Disconnect: Enables/Disables and configures the Resident Disconnect command. This prompt offers the option to either disable the Sequence Disconnect, or select a one character format or a three character format. (Default = One Character). Note the following:
•When a Resident Connection is initiated, the
•The One Character Disconnect sequence is intended for situations where the destination port will not receive the disconnect command. When the Three Character format is selected, the disconnect sequence will pass through to the destination port prior to breaking the connection.
•When the One Character format is selected, resident connections are terminated by entering the selected Logoff Character only. There is no need to press [Enter] before and after the Logoff Character when the One Character format is selected.
•When the Three Character format is selected, the Resident Disconnect Sequence will use the format "[Enter]LLL[Enter]", where L is the selected Logoff Character.