8. Operation
8.1. Any-to-Any Mode
8.1.1.Port Connection and Disconnection
The Connecting Ports
Two different types of connections can be made between
•Resident Connections: Your resident port issues a /C command to connect to a second port. For example, Port 4 issues the /C command to connect to Port 5.
•Third Party Connections: (Supervisor Mode Only) Your resident port issues a /C command to create a connection between two other ports. For example, Port 1 is your resident port, and Port 1 issues a command to connect Port 2 to Port 3.
•Third Party Connections can only be initiated by ports and passwords that permit access to Supervisor Mode.
•If a port has accessed command mode using a password that does not permit Supervisor Mode, then that port will only be able to connect to the ports that are specifically allowed by the password definition.