Monitoring the Inverter

Special Screens

Special message screens are displayed in specific situations that are not considered fault situations. They can appear in any mode of operation. These screens are described in Table 5-10.

Table 5-10Special Message Screens





Reconnecting in

Time remaining in seconds (sss) before the GT Inverter

sss seconds

reconnects to the grid. This is a protection timer; it runs for


approximately five minutes at startup and after any grid fault.




GT Inverter switching (or has switched) from Normal


Operation to Offline mode. This screen may flash alternately


with a Fault message screen.



System *3500W

The “*” in these two screens (see Table 5-2 and Table 5-4)

Today 15.56kWh

indicates that the unit is derating its output power because the


inverter heat sink temperature is above 75° C (167° F).

Unit *1800W


Today 7.82kWh

The asterisk only appears when the power is actually being



limited by the inverter.




Indicates the GT Inverter is not producing power due to

Solar Energy

insufficient solar energy during low light conditions in early


morning or late afternoon or when the PV array is in shade.


This screen flashes alternately with the Normal Operation


default screen.



Custom Screens

Two custom screens are available. The inverter does not display them unless they are configured using GT-View (see page 3–15). If programmed, the custom screens display as the fourth and fifth screens during the startup sequence. They can also be viewed by tapping the unit during normal operation and fault mode.

The first custom screen is intended for the home owner to display information such as the name or location of the PV array associated with the inverter.

The second custom screen is intended for installers, who can configure the screen to display, for example, contact information for service.

