326 975-0125-02-01
Outcome The lower frequency of voltage that will be qualified as good by the inverter/
charger can be varied.
Hi AC Volt
Full name Hi AC transfer voltage (AC over voltage level)
Configurable setting This setting lets you adjust the voltage above which t he inverter /char ger no longer
qualifies AC as good and attempts to transfer to Invert.
When to use This setting lets you adjust the AC parameters when AC supply is outside the
upper voltage range required for electrical equipment.
Outcome The upper level of voltage that will be qualified as good by the inverter/charger
can be varied.
Hi AC Freq
Full name Hi AC transfer frequency (AC over frequency level)
Configurable setting This setting lets you adjust th e freque ncy at which th e MS2000 no l onger qualifie s
AC as good and attempts to transfer to Invert.
When to use This setting lets you adjust the AC parameters when the AC supply is outside the
higher frequency range required for electrical equipment.
Outcome The higher frequency of voltage that will be qualified as good by the inverter/
charger can be varied.
Hi AC Volt [135V]
Range of values Increment Default
120 to 145 VAC 1 volt 135 VAC
Hi AC Freq [65Hz]
Range of values Increment Default
62 to 70 Hz 1 Hz 65 Hz