Ordering supplies
This section provides information for obtaining supplies for your printer.
Supply order list
The XES Synergix 8850 Printer uses the following supplies:
•Toner cartridge and toner waste bottle:
The printer is shipped with one toner cartridge and one toner waste bottle. Each time the toner cartridge empties, you must replace both the cartridge and the waste bottle. The two items are packaged together as one part number. When ordering, use the following part number:
United States – 6R989 Europe – 6R90302
•Bond paper, vellum/tracing paper, and film
Xerox offers the above media in various sizes, weights, and grades to meet your printing needs.
Supply order procedure
To order supplies for the XES Synergix 8850 Printer, call your local Xerox Engineering Systems sales office.
Local telephone number: ________________________________
When ordering supplies, please be prepared to provide the following information to the sales representative:
•Customer account number: ___________________________
•Machine type: XES Synergix 8850 Printer
•Item descriptions/part numbers and quantities required
For more information, visit the Xerox Engineering Systems web site at www.xes.com.