Xoro HTC1900D manual Auto Scan, Manual Scan, Default Setup

Models: HTC1900D

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Auto Scan


The Auto Scan Menu is shown in picture 20. First,


select a country using LEFT or RIGHT. Then press


DOWN to highlight Select Scanand press


ENTER. A message will appear, asking if the re-


sults are to be saved. If not, the scan will begin. If


yes, another message, as shown in picture 21, will


appear, asking if the results will replace the exist-


ing results, or be added to the existing results.

After choosing “Yes” or “No”, the scan will begin.


Manual Scan


The Manual Scan Menu is shown in Picture 22. A


scan can be performed by setting the following


items: Country, Scan Type, Start Channel, Start


Frequency, End Frequency, and Bandwidth.


If the scan type is a single channel, then only the


country and start channel can be set. If the scan


type is a channel range, then the country, start


channel, and end channel can be set. Use the UP,


DOWN keys to select an item and the LEFT,


RIGHT keys to change the settings. Once done,


go to “Start Scan” and press ENTER.


Default Setup


A message box will appear, as shown in Picture


23, asking if the user wants to reset the


system to factory settings. After the settings are

reset, the First Time Installation message appears.



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Xoro HTC1900D manual Auto Scan, Manual Scan, Default Setup