MANUAL FORMATAll of the procedures in this manual are organized in a sequential,
In this revised format, the condition of a faulty component will precede an arrow symbol and the course of action required will follow the symbol, e.g.
Pitting/damage → Replace.
HOW TO READ DESCRIPTIONSTo help identify parts and clarify procedure steps, there are exploded diagrams at the start of each removal and disassembly section.
2.Numbers 2 are given in the order of the jobs in the exploded diagram. A number that is enclosed by a circle indicates a disassembly step.
3.An explanation of jobs and notes is presented in an
4.A job instruction chart 4 accompanies the exploded diagram, providing the order of jobs, names of parts, notes in jobs, etc.
5.Extent of removal 5 is provided in the job instruction chart to save the trouble of an unneces- sary removal job.
6.For jobs requiring more information, the