Safety information
●NEVER operate the watercraft after con- suming alcohol or taking other drugs.
●For reasons of safety and proper care of the watercraft, always perform the
●The operator and passengers should al- ways keep their feet on the floor of the foot- well when the watercraft is in motion. Lifting your feet increases the chances of losing your balance, or hitting objects outside the watercraft with your feet. Do not give a ride to children if their feet cannot reach the floor of the footwell.
●The passengers should hold on firmly, ei- ther to the person in front of them or to the handgrip provided.
●Never allow a passenger to ride in front of the operator.
●Always consult your doctor on whether it is safe for you to ride this watercraft if you are pregnant or in poor health.
●Do not attempt to modify this watercraft! Modifications to your watercraft may reduce safety and reliability, and render the water- craft unsafe or illegal for use.
●Attach the engine
●Scan carefully for swimmers and stay away from swimming areas. Swimmers are hard to see and you could accidentally hit some- one in the water.
●Avoid being hit by another boat! You should always take the responsibility to watch for traffic; other boaters may not be watching for you. If they do not see you, or if you ma- neuver more quickly than other boaters ex- pect, you risk a collision.
●Maintain a safe distance from other boats and watercraft, and also watch for ski ropes or fishing lines. Obey the “Rules of the Road” and be sure to check behind you be- fore making a turn. (See “Rules of the Road” on page 20.)