120 Internal Effects
02R User’s Guide
Program 25 — CHORUS–>DLY LCR
Chorus effect is followed by a three-part delay (L-C-R) with feedback.
Parameter Setting Range Description
Freq. 0.8Hz 0.1–40.0Hz Chorus modulation frequency.
Depth 24% 0–100% Chorus depth. The amount of modulation.
Mod.Dly 5.9ms 0.0–255.0ms Chorus delay. The delay time before modulation starts.
Dly(L) 26.4ms 0.1–1000.0ms Left channel delay time.
Dly(R) 33.2ms 0.1–1000.0ms Right channel delay time.
Dly(C) 13.1ms 0.1–1000.0ms Centre channel delay time.
Level(C) +60 –100 to +100 Centre delay volume level.
FB.Dly 40.5ms 0.1–1000.0ms Feedback delay. The delay time before feedback starts.
FB.Gain –48% –99 to +99% Feedback gain. The amount of signal returned to the effect.
Hi.Ratio 0.1 0.1–1.0 High frequency decay ratio.
Program 26 — MONODLY–>CHORUS
Mono feedback delay followed by stereo chorus.
Parameter Setting Range Description
Delay 400.0ms 0.1–1000.0ms Delay time.
FB.Gain +32% –99 to +99% Feedback gain. The amount of signal returned to the effect.
LPF THRU 1.0kHz–THRU Low pass filter cutoff frequency.
HPF THRU THRU–8.0kHz High pass filter cutoff frequency.
Freq. 0.4Hz 0.1–40.0Hz Chorus modulation frequency.
Mod.Dly 0.1ms 0.0–255.0ms Chorus delay. The delay time before modulation starts.
EQ F 315Hz 160Hz–8.0kHz Equalizer frequency.
EQ G 0dB –12 to +12dB Equalizer signal gain.
AM Depth 10% 0–100% Amplitude modulation depth.
PM Depth 40% 0–100% Pitch modulation depth.
Stereo feedback delay followed by stereo echo.
Parameter Setting Range Description
FB.D(L) 220.0ms 0.1–360.0ms Left channel feedback delay time.
FB.G(L) +40% –99 to +99% Left channel feedback gain.
FB.D(R) 220.0ms 0.1–360.0ms Right channel feedback delay time.
FB.G(R) +40% –99 to +99% Right channel feedback gain.
Hi.Ratio 0.4 0.1–1.0 High frequency decay ratio.
LPF THRU 1.0kHz–THRU Low pass filter cutoff frequency.
HPF THRU THRU–8.0kHz High pass filter cutoff frequency.
Dly(L) 220.0ms 0.1–320.0ms Left channel delay time.
Dly(R) 110.0ms 0.1–320.0ms Right channel delay time.