200 Digital I/O, Setup, and Utilities
02R User’s Guide
detects an error in the digital input or output, your recorded data may
be compromised. However, some modular digital multitrack recorders
will cause this error while performing synchronization during start-up.
MIDI Warning OFF—With this option checked, the 02R will not report
a warning when it receives a MIDI error.
The following error conditions will not be reported: “Byte Count
Error!”, “Check Sum Error!”, “Code Mismatch!”, “ID Mismatch”, and
“MIDI Ch Mismatch”.
Initial Data Nominal—When scene memory 0 is recalled, all channel
faders move to the minimum position. With this preference checked,
however, they move to the nominal position. Aux and bus master
faders move to the nominal (0.0 dB) position regardless of this
Fader Start—When the Fader Start preference is checked, a MIDI Note
On message is transmitted when an odd-numbered channel fader is
raised from infinity (oo). See “Fader Start” on page 163.
Force SUB Boot—With this option checked, the 02R forces the SUB
CPU to boot each time the 02R is turned on. Check this option to
prevent the 02R from booting the SUB CPU when you select MIDI
Clock as the automix Time Reference, or assign a MIDI Remote page.
Since MIDI Remote page assignments are stored in scene memories,
the SUB CPU may boot when a scene memory containing MIDI
Remote parameters is recalled. Turning on the Force SUB Boot check
box will prevent this.
Preferences 1—Factory Settings
Option / Setting Option / Setting
Auto EQ Display ON Fast Meter Fall Time OFF
Auto PAN Display ON CR Level to MB02 OFF
Auto ROUTING Display ON Pre Fader Direct Out OFF
Auto AUTOMIX Display OFF Pre EQ Direct Out OFF
Auto SOLO Display OFF Slate Tone OFF
Auto WORD CLOCK Display OFF TC Drop Warning OFF OFF
Store Confirmation ON DIO Warning OFF OFF
Recall Confirmation OFF MIDI Warning OFF OFF
Remote Talk Back (C3) OFF Initial Data Nominal OFF
Transmit Key Remote OFF Fader Start OFF
Insert Tx Bulk Wait OFF Force SUB Boot OFF