270 Appendix: MIDI
02R User’s Guide
00llllll L4 bus8
EOX 11110111 F7 End Of Exclusive
surround x,y ( receive only)
STATUS 11110000 F0 System Exclusive Message
ID No. 01000011 43 Manufacturer's ID No.(YAMAHA)
SUB STATUS 0001nnnn 1n n=0-15(Tx/Rx Channel No.1-16)
MODEL ID 00111101 3d MODEL ID (02R)
PARAM TYPE 00011001 1A fader remote (type number)
DATA 0ddddddd dd 32 (surround x, y)
0xxxxxxx XX 0-127
0yyyyyyy YY 0-127
0eeeeeee EE edit( grab, ch)
EOX 11110111 F7 End Of Exclusive
multiple O2Rs link
STATUS 11110000 F0 System Exclusive Message
ID No. 01000011 43 Manufacturer's ID No.(YAMAHA)
SUB STATUS 0001nnnn 1n n=0-15(Tx/Rx Channel No.1-16)
MODEL ID 00111101 3d MODEL ID (02R)
PARAM TYPE 00011011 1B multiple link (type number)
DATA 0mmfffff mf data format
= 0 : event command
4 : setup memory change
if(mm==0) {
switch(fffff) {
case 0x00: scene memory recall
case 0x01: scene memory store(with title)
case 0x10: automix memory recall
case 0x11: automix memory store(with title)
case 0x14: automix new
case 0x15: automix undo
case 0x18: automix transport - AUTO-RECORD
case 0x19: automix transport - RECORD
case 0x1A: automix transport - PLAY
case 0x1B: automix transport - STOP
bus send level control ( receive only)