Appendix: MIDI 273

02R User’s Guide
Appendix: MIDI
Bulk Dump and Request Format
The data format is as following. For example, Internal data: ds,d1,d2,...dx, dx is 1byte data).
dxH = (dx / 16) AND 0Fh, dxL = dx AND 0Fh
To calculate the check sum: add the data from BYTE COUNT(LOW) to just before the CHECK SUM,
multiplying –1( 2's complement), resetting MSB( bit7).
check sum = ( –sum) & 0x7F
Scene memory receive is effective for programs 1–96 only.
Scene Memory Bulk Dump Format
STATUS 11110000 F0 System Exclusive Message
ID No. 01000011 43 Manufacturer's ID No.(YAMAHA)
SUB STATUS 0000nnnn 0n n=0–15(Tx/Rx Channel No.1–16)
FORMAT No. 01111110 7E Universal Bulk Dump
(HIGH/LOW) 00011111 1F 4074(2016x2+32+10)bytes
01101010 6A
01001100 4C 'L'
01001101 4D 'M'
00100000 20 ' '
00100000 20 ' '
00111000 38 '8'
01000001 41 'A'
00110110 36 '6'
00110111 37 '7'
DATA NAME 01001101 4D 'M'
0mmmmmmm mm m=0–96,127(Scene Memory No.0–96,current)
0iiiiiii ii id 1
: : :
0iiiiiii ii id 16
0ttttttt tt title1
: : :
0ttttttt tt title16
0ddddddd dsH
Scene Memory(2016x2bytes)
0ddddddd dsL
: :
0ddddddd deH
0ddddddd deL
CHECK SUM 0eeeeeee ee ee=(INVERT('L'+'M'+...+dsH+...+deL)+1) AND 7Fh
EOX 11110111 F7 End Of Exclusive