Mixing and Automix 87

02R Getting Started Guide
Using the Automix Library

Storing an Automix

An automix can be stored in one of the 16 automix memories available on
the Memory Management page shown below.
1. Use the [AUTOMIX] button to locate the AUTOMIX 2/7 page.
2. Use the CURSOR buttons to select the TITLE EDIT box.
3. Use the CURSOR buttons to move the cursor within the title, and
the encoder wheel to select the characters.
Automix titles can be up to 16 characters long, and the following characters
are available.
You can select the “INS.” icon to insert a space at the cursor position in the
TITLE EDIT box. Select the icon with the CURSOR buttons and press the
[ENTER] button. The “DEL.” icon is used to delete the character at the
cursor position in the TITLE EDIT box.
0123456789: ;<=>?
`abcde fghi j klmno
pqr s tu vwxyz { | }~
Note: The “COPY” and “PASTE” icons allow you to select the title from
another automix program and paste it into your program for subsequent editing.
These icons only copy the title. See “AUTOMIX Name Edit Functions” on page
149 of the User’s Guide.