Mechanical Specifications (continued)FORM 160.81-EG1

11.A numbered terminal strip for all required field in- terlock wiring.

12.An RS-232 port to output all system operating data, shutdown / cycling message, and a record of the last 10 cycling or safety shutdowns to a field-sup- plied printer. Data logs to a printer at a set pro- grammable interval. This data can be preprogrammed to print from 1 minute to 1 day.

13.The capability to interface with a building automa- tion system to provide:

a.remote chiller start and stop

b.remote leaving chiller liquid temperature adjust

c.remote current limit setpoint adjust

d.remote ready to start contacts shutdown contacts

f.cycling shutdown contacts contacts


The services of a factory-trained, field service repre- sentative will be provided to supervise the initial startup and conduct concurrent operator instruction.


ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code – Section Vlll Division 1.

ARI Standard 550/590

c/U.L. – Underwriters Laboratory

ASHRAE 15 – Safety Code for Mechanical Refrig- eration

ASHRAE Guideline 3 – Reducing Emission of Ha- logenated Refrigerants in Refrigeration and Air-Con- ditioning Equipment and Systems

NEC – National Electrical Code

OSHA – Occupational Safety and Health Act


The unit is provided with four vibration isolation mounts consisting of 1" (25.4 mm) thick neoprene isolation pads for field mounting under the steel mounting pads lo- cated on the tube sheets.


The standard unit has been designed as a complete and compact factory packaged chiller. As such, it has minimum joints from which refrigerant can leak. The entire assembly has been thoroughly leak tested at the factory prior to shipment. The YORK chiller in- cludes service valves conveniently located to facili- tate transfer of refrigerant to a remote refrigerant stor- age/recycling system. Optional condenser isolation valves permit storage of the charge in the condenser.


Exterior surfaces are protected with one coat of Carib- bean blue, durable alkyd-modified, vinyl enamel, ma- chinery paint.


The unit shall be completely assembled, with all main, auxiliary, and control piping installed, controls wired, leak tests completed, functional run tests completed, and refrigerant charge in place. The oil charge, relief device and other miscellaneous materials shall be packed separately.

Protective covering is furnished on the Control Center and unit-mounted controls. The entire unit is then shrink- wrapped with high-quality reinforced plastic to provide maximum protection during transit. Water nozzles are capped with fitted plastic enclosures.




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York YR Startup and Operator Training, Codes and Standards, Isolation Mounting, Refrigerant Containment, Paint, Shipment