Color profile: Disabled

Composite Default screen

Once the option is installed in the printer, information to be stored in Flash Memory is downloaded to the printer from the host computer. A specific ZPLcommand is then sent to the printer which causes the information to be stored in the Flash Memory. The content of the Flash Memory is not lost when power is turned OFF.

Communication Options


Ethernet Thinnet and 10BaseT connectivity are available through an external connection to the parallel port at the rear of the printer.

IPX, LAT, NetBIOS/Net BEUI, TCP/IP protocols are supported with a data burst rate of 150 KB. HP Bitronics mode is supported to provide bi-directional high-speed. It is SNMP compatible and supports MIB I, MIB II and Parallel MIB as well as MPSCON: (NOVELL Netware) PC console configuration utility IPX.

Z Series™ User’s Guide





Wed Jul 08 11:39:02 1998