Hardware Control Signal Descriptions

For all RS-232 input and output signals, the Z Series™ printer follows both the Electronics Industries Association (EIA) RS-232 and the Consultative Committee for International Telegraph and Telephone (CCITT) V.24 standard signal level specifications.

When DTR/DSR handshaking is selected, the Data Terminal Ready (DTR) control signal output from the printer controls when the host computer may send data. DTR ACTIVE (positive voltage), permits the host to send data. When the printer places DTR in the INACTIVE (negative voltage) state, the host must not send data.

NOTE: When Xon/Xoff handshaking is selected, data flow is controlled by the ASCII Control Codes DC1 (XON) and DC3 (XOFF). The DTR Control lead will have no effect.

Request To Send (RTS) is a control signal from the printer which is connected to the Clear To Send (CTS) input at the host computer. RTS is always ACTIVE (positive voltage) when the printer is ON.

CAUTION: The Z Series™ printers comply with FCC “Rules and Regulations”, Part 15 for Class B Equipment, using fully shielded six-foot data cables. Use of longer cables or unshielded cables may increase radiated emissions above the Class B limits.

RS-485 Interface

Figure 29 illustrates the pin connections on the DB-25 connector at the rear of the printer which are used for the RS-485 communication protocol.

NOTE: Xon/Xoff handshaking must be used for RS-485 communications.



to Printer

Data Input A (–)

Data Output A (–)

Data Input B (+)

Data Output B (+)

Figure 29. RS-485 Cable

Z Series™ User’s Guide