Color profile: Disabled
Composite Default screen
Wrinkled ribbon. | Ribbon fed through | Reinstall ribbon. |
| printer incorrectly. |
| Incorrect Darkness | Set to the lowest value |
| setting. | needed for good print |
| quality. |
| Incorrect Printhead | Readjust Printhead |
| pressure. | pressure. |
| Media not feeding | Readjust Media Guides. |
| properly; it is walking |
| from side to side. |
| Continuing problems. | Call a Service Technician. |
Misregistration and | Media was pulled when | Open and close the |
misprint of 1 to 3 labels. | motor was not moving. | printhead so it |
| calibrates to find the |
| label length. |
| Incorrect Media Sensor | Reposition Media |
| Position. | Sensor. |
| Media or ribbon | Reload Media and |
| improperly loaded. | Ribbon. |
Changes in parameter | Parameters are set or | Reload the Factory |
settings did not take | saved incorrectly. | Defaults, reconfigure |
effect. |
| the printer, cycle the |
| Power OFF and ON. |
| Continuing problems. | Call a Service Technician. |
ZPL was sent to printer, | Communications | Check and reset |
but not recognized. The | parameters or DIP | communication |
DATA LED remains | Switches are set | parameters if needed. |
OFF. | incorrectly. |
| Prefix and delimiter | Set the characters in the |
| characters set in printer | printer to match ZPL |
| configuration do not | format. |
| match the ones sent in |
| the ZPL Label Formats. | Check Configuration |
| Label for correct |
| characters. |
| If problem continues, |
| check the ZPL format |
| for changed ^CC, |
| ^CT, and ^CD |
| instructions. |
Continued on the following page.
Z Series™ User’s Guide | 39 |
47 |
Thu Jun 18 16:02:05 1998