4 Click Save to save your changes (or Undo to start over).
Sample Service Port Number Table
Service Port | Service | Usage | Protocol |
113 | Auth | authentication | Authentication |
| Service Protocol |
53 | DNS | domain names | Domain Name |
| Service |
21 | FTP | file transfers | File Transfer |
| Protocol |
25 | SMTP | send email | Simple Mail |
| Transfer Protocol |
110 | POP3 | read email | Post Office Protocol |
1723 | PPTP | secure | Point to Point |
| communications | Tunneling Protocol |
23 | Telnet | terminal session | TELNET |
80 | Web | web access | HTTP World Wide |
| Web |
88 | Kerberos | authentication | Kerberos |
79 | Finger | system/user data | Finger |
69 | tftp | file transfers | Trivial File Transfer |
161 | SNMP | system | Simple Network |
| management | Management |
| Protocol |
144 | news | newsgroups | News |
Chapter 4: Advanced Setup Options | 37 |