Kingsoft Office
Create, view, and edit Word documents, PowerPoint
presentations, spreadsheets, and other types of files. From the | ||
home screen, tap | Kingsoft Office. | |
Tip: Tap | and scroll to view options. |
From the home screen, tap | Note to save and view your text |
notes. |
Tap a note type.
to create a new note.
Enter your text and tap Save to save it.
Tap a note to view it. You can also edit, delete, share, or export it.
Task Manager
From the home screen, tap | Task Manager to view or stop |
applications. |
•Tap a task in the Tasks tab to force stop or disable the app, uninstall the app, clear data and cache, or move the app between the internal storage and the memory card; or tap next to a task to close it.
•Tap the Apps tab to manage all the apps on your phone.
•Tap the Resources tab to view the
Tip: If your phone is running slow, close applications you are not
using by pressing and holding and swiping left or right on applications you wish to close.
From the home screen, tap | Clock Stopwatch or |
Countdown. |
Note: You can set up to 20 laps with the stopwatch.
World Time
From the home screen, tap Clock World time to check local time for cities around the world. Tap at the bottom to add a new city or country.
From the home screen, tap | Twitter and sign up for or |
sign in to your account. |
to compose a tweet.
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