Controlling Processes


*ALL indicates that you select all Process names.

name is the name of a specific Process you want to select. Enter the name of a Sterling Connect:Direct Process.

generic identifies a generic Process name. For example, CD* selects all Processes that begin with CD.


specifies the Process number for the selected Process. This parameter has two options: *ALL indicates that you select all Process numbers.

n is the number of a specific Process you want to select. Enter the number of a Sterling Connect:Direct Process.


specifies the Sterling Connect:Direct Processes submitted by a specific user. This parameter has the following options:

*ALL indicates that you choose all submitter IDs.

name is the user ID of a specific user whose Processes you want to select. Enter the user ID of a Sterling Connect:Direct user.

generic identifies a generic user name. For example, TH* would select Processes submitted by all users whose submitter IDs begin with TH.


specifies the Sterling Connect:Direct queue for the Processes you want to select. This parameter has six options:

ACTIVQ selects all Processes that are currently executing.

HOLDQ selects all Processes that are currently in the HOLD queue.

WAITQ selects all Processes that are waiting for a session manager to run.

TIMERQ selects all Processes that are awaiting execution time or retry time after a session failure. STARTQ selects all Processes that are ready for execution.

*ALL selects all Processes.


specifies the selection of Processes that have the specified remote node name. The RMTNODE parameter has the following three options:

*ALL indicates all remote node names.

name indicates the name of a specific remote node.

generic indicates a generic node name. For example, CD* would select all remote node names that begin with CD.


specifies the category or type of Sterling Connect:Direct Process to select. Five values are options for the TYPE parameter:

*specifies all Processes.

L specifies all Processes initiated on the local node.

R specifies all Processes initiated on the remote node.

S specifies all synchronous Processes initiated on the local node.

A specifies all Processes except synchronous processes initiated on the local node.

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IBM CDI5UG1107 PNUMn*ALL, PUSER*ALLnamegeneric, Qnameactivqholdqwaitqtimerqstartq*All, RMTNODE*ALLnamegeneric, Type*Lrsa