Submitting a Sterling Connect:Direct Process on a Remote Node



specifies the remote node environment.


specifies the name of the file or member that contains the Sterling Connect:Direct Process to be submitted. This file must already exist on the node where the Sterling Connect:Direct Process is to be submitted.

For information about parameters for the remote node, refer to the IBM Sterling Connect:Direct Processes Web site at

Optional Parameters

The following parameters are optional. Unless otherwise noted, the parameters apply to all remote node environments.


determines the node-to-node session on which an operation can execute. The CLASS is a number from 1–255. If you do not specify the CLASS parameter, it defaults to the number of maximum sessions defined in the mode description for the communications environment.

Note: The CLASS parameter is not used by Sterling Connect:Direct for i5/OS.

*MODED uses the class value specified for the destination node.


Determines whether node and process statement overrides for Cyclic Redundancy Check (CRC) are allowed. If this value is set to *OFF, setting overrides for CRC checking will be ignored. The default value is *INITPARMS.

*INITPARMS specifies that the CRC setting is determined by the value for the initialization parameter TCP.CRC.

*NETMAP specifies that the CRC setting is determined by the value for the NETMAP parameter, Cyclic Redundancy Check. The value for the initialization parameter TCP.CRC must be set to *ON and the value for the initialization parameter TCP.CRC.OVERRIDE must be set to *YES.

*OFF specifies that CRC is disabled.

*ON specifies that CRC is enabled.


specifies a new name to be given to the submitted Process on the remote system. This name overrides the name in the Process file.

file-namespecifies the name for the submitted Process on the remote system.

*NONE uses the name specified in the Process.


specifies the user ID on the receiving node to receive status messages that are directed to the message queue of the user.

*CURRENT uses the ID of the current user.

*NONE indicates that no user receives the messages.

userid specifies the name of the user to receive the status messages.

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