Receiving a File


member specifies the members to be copied. Member selections are:

*represents a global generic. A global generic indicates that all members of the file are to be included.

generic specifies a generic member name. For example, if you specify CD*, all member names beginning with CD are selected for copying.

member-namespecifies an individual member name.

start-range/stop-rangespecifies first and last names in an alphanumeric range of members. Although member names in a range are treated as generics, they cannot be used with an asterisk

(*). A slash (/) separates the first (start-range) and last (stop-range) member names. The two members specified, as well as all members in the range, are copied.

new-namespecifies a new name for a member. You cannot use the new-name subparameter if a generic or range is used to select the members to be copied, or if you specify a list of member names.

R/NR specifies whether a copied member replaces an existing member of the same name in the local file. When used with a generic or a range, this subparameter applies to all members selected.

Note: When using a generic and specifying NR or R, the second positional subparameter (new-name) must be null, for example, member-name,,NR.

R specifies that a member replaces an existing member of the same name in the local file. When used with the new-name subparameter, R applies to the specified new-name and not the original member name.

NR specifies that a member does not replace an existing member of the same name in the local file. NR overrides the REPLACE parameter.

‘list’ specifies any combination of the subparameters. You can specify a list of individual member names or generic member names separated by spaces. However, you cannot use the new-name and replace-member subparameters when specifying a list.

Note: Member names longer than eight characters are truncated to eight characters when the remote node is not an i5/OS node.

SNODEID(id, pswd, newpswd)

specifies security user IDs and passwords at the remote node. If nothing is specified for this parameter, the user profile of the user who submits the command is sent to the remote node with a blank password.

id specifies the security ID passed to the security system on the remote node (1–64 alphanumeric characters).

pswd specifies the current security password. The security system can use this parameter on the SNODE to validate the current security password (1–64 alphanumeric characters). This is optional unless the user has set security to require a password.

newpswd specifies the new security password. Sterling Connect:Direct for i5/OS does not currently support this parameter if the remote node is an i5/OS node.

Note: Parameter values are case sensitive.


specifies the status of the file on the local i5/OS node.

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IBM CDI5UG1107 manual SNODEIDid, pswd, newpswd, TDISPcurrent