Chapter 21 Multicast

Figure 87 Advanced Application > Multicast > Multicast Setting > MVR: Group Configuration

The following table describes the labels in this screen.

Table 55 Advanced Application > Multicast > Multicast Setting > MVR: Group Configuration




Select a multicast VLAN ID (that you configured in the MVR screen) from the drop-


down list box.




Enter a descriptive name for identification purposes.



Start Address

Enter the starting IP multicast address of the multicast group in dotted decimal




Refer to Section 21.1.1 on page 155 for more information on IP multicast addresses.



End Address

Enter the ending IP multicast address of the multicast group in dotted decimal notation.


Enter the same IP address as the Start Address field if you want to configure only one


IP address for a multicast group.


Refer to Section 21.1.1 on page 155 for more information on IP multicast addresses.




Click Add to save your changes to the Switch’s run-time memory. The Switch loses


these changes if it is turned off or loses power, so use the Save link on the top


navigation panel to save your changes to the non-volatile memory when you are done






Click Cancel to begin configuring this screen afresh.




This field displays the multicast VLAN ID.




This field displays the descriptive name for this setting.



Start Address

This field displays the starting IP address of the multicast group.



End Address

This field displays the ending IP address of the multicast group.




Select Delete Group and click Delete to remove the selected entry(ies) from the table.




Select Cancel to clear the checkbox(es) in the table.



21.8.1 MVR Configuration Example

The following figure shows a network example where ports 1, 2 and 3 on the Switch belong to VLAN 1. In addition, port 7 belongs to the multicast group with VID 200 to receive multicast traffic (the News and Movie channels) from the remote streaming media server, S. Computers A, B and C in VLAN are able to receive the traffic.



GS-3012/GS-3012F User’s Guide