Chapter 18 Classifier

Table 43

Advanced Application > Classifier (continued)




Enter a destination IP address in dotted decimal notation.


Specify the address prefix by entering the number of ones in the subnet mask.




A subnet mask can be represented by a 32 bit binary notation. For example,



the subnet mask “” can be represented as


“11111111.11111111.11111111.00000000”, and counting up the number of


ones in this case results in 24.




Note: You must select either UDP or TCP in the IP Protocol field before


you configure the socket numbers.



Select Any to apply the rule to all TCP/UDP protocol port numbers or select


the second option and enter a TCP/UDP protocol port number.




Click Add to insert the entry in the summary table below and save your


changes to the Switch’s run-time memory. The Switch loses these changes if it


is turned off or loses power, so use the Save link on the top navigation panel


to save your changes to the non-volatile memory when you are done






Click Cancel to begin configuring this screen afresh.




Click Clear to set the above fields back to the factory defaults.



18.3Viewing and Editing Classifier Configuration

To view a summary of the classifier configuration, scroll down to the summary table at the bottom of the Classifier screen. To change the settings of a rule, click a number in the Index field.

Note: When two rules conflict with each other, a higher layer rule has priority over a lower layer rule.

Figure 69 Advanced Application > Classifier: Summary Table



GS2200-48 User’s Guide