


802.1P priority 75


access control limitations 279 login account 288 remote management 297 service port 296

SNMP 280

accounting setup 197

address learning, MAC 89, 92

Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) 321, 325, 326 administrator password 289

age 117

aggregator ID 134, 135 aging time 69 applications

bridging 23

IEEE 802.1Q VLAN 25 switched workgroup 24


how it works 321 viewing 322

ARP (Address Resolution Protocol) 321

ARP inspection 205, 208 and MAC filter 208 configuring 209 syslog messages 209 trusted ports 209

authentication and RADIUS 192 setup 197

authorization privilege levels 199

automatic VLAN registration 80


back up, configuration file 275 bandwidth control 333

basic settings 63 binding 205

binding table 205 building 205

BPDUs (Bridge Protocol Data Units) 106 Bridge Protocol Data Units (BPDUs) 106 bridging 333


certifications 339 notices 340 viewing 341

CFI (Canonical Format Indicator) 79 changing the password 47

CIST 109

CIST (Common and Internal Spanning Tree)


Class of Service (CoS) 241

classifier 149, 152 and QoS 149 editing 152 example 155 overview 149 setup 149, 152 viewing 152

cloning a port See port cloning

cluster management 305 and switch passwords 311 cluster manager 305, 310 cluster member 305, 311

cluster member firmware upgrade 309 network example 306

setup 310 specification 305 status 306



GS2200-48 User’s Guide