
and IEEE 802.1Q tagging 91 example 94

hexadecimal notation for protocols 90, 93 isolate traffic 91

priority 90, 93 PVID 80, 88

PVID (Priority Frame) 80


QoS 333

and classifier 149 queue weight 166 queuing 165

SPQ 166

WFQ 166

WRR 166

queuing method 165, 168


RADIUS 192 advantages 192

and authentication 192 Network example 192 server 192

settings 193 setup 193

Rapid Spanning Tree Protocol, See RSTP. 105


load configuration 273 reboot system 273 registration

product 341

related documentation 3 remote management 297

service 298

trusted computers 298 resetting 48, 272

to factory default settings 272 restoring configuration 48, 274 RFC 3164 301

RIP configuration 239

direction 239 overview 239 version 239

RIP (Routing Information Protocol) 239 Round Robin Scheduling 166

routing domain 71, 261 routing protocols 334 routing table 323 RSTP 105

rubber feet 29


safety warnings 7

save configuration 48, 273 screen summary 44 Secure Shell See SSH security 334

service access control 296 service port 297

Simple Network Management Protocol, see


SNMP 26, 280 agent 280 and MIB 280 authentication 287 communities 286 management model 280 manager 280

MIB 281

network components 280 object variables 280 protocol operations 281 security 287

setup 285 traps 288

version 3 and security 281 versions supported 280

SNMP traps 282 supported 282, 283, 284

Spanning Tree Protocol, See STP. 105 SPQ (Strict Priority Queuing) 166


encryption methods 292 how it works 291



GS2200-48 User’s Guide