Chapter 4 The Web Configurator
Table 7 Navigation Panel Links (continued)
Bandwidth | This link takes you to screens where you can cap the maximum |
Control | bandwidth allowed from specified source(s) to specified destination(s). |
Broadcast | This link takes you to a screen to set up broadcast filters. |
Storm Control |
Mirroring | This link takes you to screens where you can copy traffic from one port |
| or ports to another port in order that you can examine the traffic from |
| the first port without interference. |
Link | This link takes you to screen where you can logically aggregate physical |
Aggregation | links to form one logical, |
Port | This link takes you to a screen where you can configure IEEE 802.1x port |
Authentication | authentication as well as MAC authentication for clients communicating |
| via the Switch. |
Port Security | This link takes you to a screen where you can activate MAC address |
| learning and set the maximum number of MAC addresses to learn on a |
| port. |
Classifier | This link takes you to a screen where you can configure the Switch to |
| group packets based on the specified criteria. |
Policy Rule | This link takes you to a screen where you can configure the Switch to |
| perform special treatment on the grouped packets. |
Queuing | This link takes you to a screen where you can configure queuing with |
Method | associated queue weights for each port. |
VLAN Stacking | This link takes you to a screen where you can activate and configure |
| VLAN stacking. |
Multicast | This link takes you to screen where you can configure various multicast |
| features and create multicast VLANs. |
Auth and Acct | This link takes you to screens where you can configure authentication |
| and accounting services via external servers. The external servers can |
| be either RADIUS (Remote Authentication |
| TACACS+ (Terminal Access Controller |
IP Source | This link takes you to screens where you can configure filtering of |
Guard | unauthorized DHCP and ARP packets in your network. |
Loop Guard | This link takes you to a screen where you can configure protection |
| against network loops that occur on the edge of your network. |
IP Application |
Static Routing | This link takes you to a screen where you can configure static routes. A |
| static route defines how the Switch should forward traffic by configuring |
| the TCP/IP parameters manually. |
RIP | This link takes you to a screen where you can configure the RIP (Routing |
| Information Protocol) direction and versions. |
DiffServ | This link takes you to screens where you can enable DiffServ, configure |
| marking rules and set |
DHCP | This link takes you to screens where you can configure the DHCP |
| settings. |
VRRP | This link takes you to screens where you can configure redundant virtual |
| router for your network. |
Management |
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