Chapter 21 VLAN Stacking

distinguish customer A and tag 48 to distinguish customer B at edge device 1 and then stripping those tags at edge device 2 as the data frames leave the network.

Figure 75 VLAN Stacking Example

21.2 VLAN Stacking Port Roles

Each port can have one of the following VLAN stacking “roles”: Access Port or

Tunnel .

Select Access Port for ingress ports on the service provider's edge devices (1 and 2 in the VLAN stacking example figure). The incoming frame is treated as "untagged", so a second VLAN tag (outer VLAN tag) can be added.

Note: Static VLAN Tx Tagging MUST be disabled on a port where you choose

Access Port.

Select Tunnel Port for egress ports at the edge of the service provider's network. All VLANs belonging to a customer can be aggregated into a single service provider's VLAN (using the outer VLAN tag defined by the Service Provider’s (SP) VLAN ID (VID)).

Note: Static VLAN Tx Tagging MUST be enabled on a port where you choose Tunnel




GS2200-48 User’s Guide