
hello time 117 Max Age 120 max age 117 max hops 117 MST region 108 network example 107 path cost 118

port priority 118 revision level 117

MSTP (Multiple Spanning Tree Protocol) 105 MTU (Multi-Tenant Unit) 68

multicast 175

802.1priority 178

and IGMP 175 IP addresses 175 overview 175 setup 177, 178

multicast group 181 multicast VLAN 187

Multiple Spanning Tree Instance, See MSTI 107 Multiple Spanning Tree Protocol, See MSTP. 105 Multiple STP, see MSTP 107

MVR 183 configuration 185 group configuration 187 network example 183

MVR (Multicast VLAN Registration) 183


network management system (NMS) 280 NTP (RFC-1305) 67


password 47 administrator 289

PHB (Per-Hop Behavior) 241 ping, test connection 300 policy 160, 162

and classifier 160 and DiffServ 157 configuration 160 example 163

overview 157 rules 157, 158 viewing 161

policy configuration 162 port authentication 139 and RADIUS 193

IEEE802.1x 142, 143, 195, 197 MAC authentication 140

port based VLAN type 69 port cloning 325, 326

advanced settings 325, 326 basic settings 325, 326

port details 59 port isolation 87, 98

port mirroring 129, 130, 333 direction 130

egress 130 ingress 130

port redundancy 132

port security 145 address learning 147

limit MAC address learning 147 MAC address learning 145 overview 145

setup 146, 233

port setup 73 port status 58

port VLAN trunking 81 port-based VLAN 95 all connected 98

port isolation 98 settings wizard 98

ports “standby” 132 diagnostics 300 mirroring 129 speed/duplex 74

power voltage 65

power specification 329 power status 65 priority level 70

priority, queue assignment 70 product model 64

product registration 341 protocol based VLAN 91



GS2200-48 User’s Guide