Chapter 10 Network Address Translation

Figure 75 Network > NAT > Application

The following table describes the labels in this screen.

Table 47 Network > NAT > Application



Add Application Rule




Select the check box to enable this rule and the requested service can be forwarded to the


host with a specified internal IP address.


Clear the checkbox to disallow forwarding of these ports to an inside server without


having to delete the entry.



Service Name

Type a name (of up to 31 printable characters) to identify this rule in the first field next to


Service Name. Otherwise, select a predefined service in the second field next to Service


Name. The predefined service name and port number(s) will display in the Service


Name and Port fields.



Local Port Range

Type a port number(s) to be forwarded.

Public Port Range

To specify a range of ports, enter a hyphen (-) between the first port and the last port,


such as 10-20.


To specify two or more non-consecutive port numbers, separate them by a comma


without spaces, such as 123,567.




Select the transport layer protocol supported by this server. Choices are TCP, UDP, or







NBG-418N User’s Guide