P-660H/HW/W-T Series User’ Guide

Table 152 IKE Logs (continued)







Rule [%d] phase 2


The listed rule’s IKE phase 2 did not match between the router



and the peer.

Rule [%d] Phase 2

key length

The listed rule’s IKE phase 2 key lengths (with the AES



encryption algorithm) did not match between the router and



the peer.

Table 153 PKI Logs





Enrollment successful

The SCEP online certificate enrollment was successful. The


Destination field records the certification authority server IP address


and port.

Enrollment failed

The SCEP online certificate enrollment failed. The Destination field


records the certification authority server’s IP address and port.

Failed to resolve

The SCEP online certificate enrollment failed because the certification

<SCEP CA server url>

authority server’s address cannot be resolved.

Enrollment successful

The CMP online certificate enrollment was successful. The Destination


field records the certification authority server’s IP address and port.

Enrollment failed

The CMP online certificate enrollment failed. The Destination field


records the certification authority server’s IP address and port.

Failed to resolve <CMP

The CMP online certificate enrollment failed because the certification

CA server url>

authority server’s IP address cannot be resolved.

Rcvd ca cert: <subject

The router received a certification authority certificate, with subject


name as recorded, from the LDAP server whose IP address and port


are recorded in the Source field.

Rcvd user cert:

The router received a user certificate, with subject name as recorded,

<subject name>

from the LDAP server whose IP address and port are recorded in the


Source field.

Rcvd CRL <size>:

The router received a CRL (Certificate Revocation List), with size and

<issuer name>

issuer name as recorded, from the LDAP server whose IP address and


port are recorded in the Source field.

Rcvd ARL <size>:

The router received an ARL (Authority Revocation List), with size and

<issuer name>

issuer name as recorded, from the LDAP server whose address and


port are recorded in the Source field.

Failed to decode the

The router received a corrupted certification authority certificate from

received ca cert

the LDAP server whose address and port are recorded in the Source



Failed to decode the

The router received a corrupted user certificate from the LDAP server

received user cert

whose address and port are recorded in the Source field.

Failed to decode the

The router received a corrupted CRL (Certificate Revocation List) from

received CRL

the LDAP server whose address and port are recorded in the Source



Failed to decode the

The router received a corrupted ARL (Authority Revocation List) from

received ARL

the LDAP server whose address and port are recorded in the Source




Appendix K