ZyAIR Wireless Gateway Series User’s Guide

12.5 Connection Direction Examples

This section describes examples for firewall rules for connections going from LAN to WAN and from WAN to LAN.

LAN to LAN/ZyAIR and WAN to WAN/ZyAIR rules apply to packets coming in on the associated interface (LAN or WAN respectively). LAN to LAN/ZyAIR means policies for LAN-to-ZyAIR (the policies for managing the ZyAIR through the LAN interface) and policies for LAN-to-LAN (the policies that control routing between two subnets on the LAN).

12.5.1 LAN to WAN Rules

LAN-to-WANrules are local network to Internet firewall rules. The default is to forward all traffic from your local network to the Internet.

How can you block certain LAN to WAN traffic?

You may choose to block certain LAN-to-WANtraffic services displayed in the Blocked Services list box are originating from the LAN.

in the Services screen (click the Services tab). All LAN-to-WANfirewall rules that block those services

Blocked LAN-to-WANpackets are considered alerts. Alerts are “higher priority logs” that include system errors, attacks and attempted access to blocked web sites. Alerts appear in red in the View Log screen. You may choose to have alerts e-mailed immediately in the Log Settings screen.

LAN-to-LAN/ZyAIR means the LAN to the ZyAIR LAN interface. This is always allowed, as this is how you manage the ZyAIR from your local computer.


Firewall Screens