Chapter 44 Service Control


Table 213 System > Dial-in Mgmt (continued)





Port Speed

Use the drop-down list box to select the speed of the connection between the



ZyWALL’s auxiliary port and the external modem. Available speeds are: 9600,



19200, 38400, 57600, or 115200 bps.





Initial String

Type the AT command string that the ZyWALL returns to the external serial



modem connected to the ZyWALL’s auxiliary port during connection initialization.



Note: Consult the manual of your external serial modem



connected to your ZyWALL’s auxiliary port for specific AT









Click Advanced to display more configuration fields and edit the details of your



dial-in management setup.






Click Apply to save your changes back to the ZyWALL.






Click Reset to begin configuring this screen afresh.




44.13 Vantage CNM

Vantage CNM (Centralized Network Management) is a browser-based global management solution that allows an administrator from any location to easily configure, manage, monitor and troubleshoot ZyXEL devices located worldwide. See the Vantage CNM User's Guide for details.

If you allow your ZyWALL to be managed by the Vantage CNM server, then you should not do any configurations directly to the ZyWALL (using either the web configurator or commands) without notifying the Vantage CNM administrator.

44.14 Configuring Vantage CNM

Vantage CNM is disabled on the device by default. Click System > Vantage CNM to configure your device’s Vantage CNM settings.

Figure 456 System > Vantage CNM



ZyWALL USG 300 User’s Guide