Appendix B Log Descriptions
Table 241 Application Patrol Logs (continued)
System fatal error: | Error when do ioctl L7_ACTION_IOCTL_ADDR_USAGE. |
60018009. |
System fatal error: | Error when do ioctl L7_ACTION_IOCTL_PROTO_ADDR_NUMS. |
60018010. |
System fatal error: | Fail to user lib user_profile to retrieve current login user. |
60018011. |
System fatal error: | Fail to user lib user_profile to retrieve current login user. |
60018012. |
System fatal error: | Fail to user lib user_profile to retrieve current login user. |
60018013. |
System fatal error: | Fail to user lib user_profile to retrieve current login user. |
60018014. |
System fatal error: | Fail to retrieve user event from uamd. |
60018015. |
System fatal error: | Application patrol daemon (process) shared memory generate failed. |
60018016. |
System fatal error: | Fail to get share memory. |
60018017. |
System fatal error: | Fail to get attach memory. |
60018018. |
System fatal error: | Application patrol daemon receive restart signal. |
60018019. |
System fatal error: | Application patrol daemon signal handler failed. |
60018020. |
System fatal error: | Application patrol daemon initialization failed. |
60018021. |
System fatal error: | Application patrol daemon startup failed. |
60018022. |
System fatal error: | Application patrol daemon stop. |
60018023. |
Activate App. Patrol | Activate application patrol has succeeded. |
has succeeded. |
No '%s' protocol. | The protocol %s does not exist. %s: Protocol Name |
Service %s has been | Protocol %s is active. %s: Protocol Name |
activated. |
Deactivate App Patrol | Deactivation of application patrol has succeeded. |
has succeeded. |
Initialize App. Patrol | Initialization application patrol has succeeded. |
has succeeded. |
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ZyWALL USG 300 User’s Guide |
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