Briggs & Stratton 20223 owner manual Specifications, General Maintenance Recommendations

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Outlet Pressure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2400 psi Flow Rate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.0 gallons per minute (gpm) Detergent Use detergent approved for pressure washers Water Supply Temperature . . . . Not to Exceed 100°F

Automatic Cool . . . . . . . . . . . . . Will cycle when water

Down Systemreaches 125°-155°FMeasured LwA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .104 dB(A)/pW Guaranteed LwA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .104 dB(A)/pW Sound Pressure Level @ 7m . . . . . . . . . . . . . .79 dB(A) Shipping Weight . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .64 lbs.


The pressure washer warranty does not cover items that have been subjected to operator abuse or negligence.To receive full value from the warranty, the operator must maintain the pressure washer as instructed in this manual.

NOTE: Should you have questions about replacing components on your pressure washer, please visit our website at BRIGGSandSTRATTON.COM.

Some adjustments will need to be made periodically to properly maintain your pressure washer.

All maintenance in this manual and the engine operator’s manual should be made at least once each season.

Once a year you should check the spray gun and nozzle extension assembly for wear.Also clean or replace the spark plug and clean or replace the engine air filter. Please refer to engine operator’s manual for more details.

Before Each Use

1.Check engine oil level.

2.Check water inlet screen for damage.

3.Check high pressure hose for leaks.

4.Check detergent siphon tube and filter for damage.

5.Check spray gun and nozzle extension assembly for leaks.

6.Rinse out garden hose to flush out debris.



Check and Clean Inlet Screen

Examine the screen on the water inlet. Clean it if the screen is clogged or replace it if screen is damaged.

Check High Pressure Hose

The high pressure hose can develop leaks from wear, kinking, or abuse. Inspect the hose each time before using it. Check for cuts, leaks, abrasions or bulging of cover, damage or movement of couplings. If any of these conditions exist, replace the hose immediately.


The high pressure stream of water that this equipment produces can pierce skin and its underlying tissues, leading to serious injury and possible amputation.

NEVER repair high pressure hose. Replace it.

Replacement hose rating MUST exceed maximum pressure rating of unit.

Check Chemical Injection Hose

Examine the filter on the detergent tube and clean if clogged.The tube should fit tightly on the barbed fitting. Examine the tube for leaks or tears. Replace the filter or tube if either is damaged.

Check Gun and Adjustable Nozzle Extension

Examine the hose connection to the spray gun and make sure it is secure.Test the trigger by pressing it and making sure it “springs back” into place when you release it. Put the safety latch in the ON position and test the trigger.You should not be able to press the trigger.


Image 14
Contents BAR / 2400 PSI Equipment Description Table of ContentsSafety Rules When Transporting or Repairing Equipment When Adding FuelWhen Operating Equipment When Storing Fuel or Equipment with Fuel in TankWhen Adjusting or Making Repairs to Your Pressure Washer When Testing for Engine SparkHigh pressure spray may damage fragile items including glass Know Your Pressure Washer Siphon/FilterPreparing Pressure Washer for USE AssemblyCarton Contents Remove Pressure Washer From CartonConnect Hose and Water Supply to Pump Attach L Hooks to HandleChecklist Before Starting Engine Inspect Inlet ScreenPressure Washer Location HOW to USE Pressure WasherHow To Start Pressure Washer How To Stop Pressure Washer Recommended Starting PositionMode Detergent application How To Use Adjustable NozzleApplying Detergent With Adjustable Nozzle Slide nozzle forward for lowAutomatic Cool Down System Cleaning Chemical Injection HosePressure Washer Rinsing Thermal ReliefPressure Washer Maintenance SpecificationsGeneral Maintenance Recommendations Ring Maintenance Engine MaintenanceNozzle Maintenance Pump Oil MaintenancePreparing the Unit for Storage Storing the EngineTroubleshooting Position. If engine still bogs downPage Limited Warranty Consignes DE Sécurité Table DES MatièresDescription DE Léquipement Plaque davertissementUtilisation DE Léquipement AvertissementMettre DE Lessence Transport ET Réparation DE LéquipementPour Régler OU Réparer LE Nettoyeur Haute Pression Lors DES Essais D’ALLUMAGEAvis Connaître Votre Nettoyeur Haute Pression Deballer le nettoyeur haute pression de son carton AssemblagePréparation DU Nettoyeur Haute Pression Avant Utilisation Contenu de la boîteConnecter le flexible Haute pression ici Charger en huile moteur et en carburantRaccorder le flexible et lalimentation en eau à la pompe Liste de vérifications avant le démarrage du moteur Inspecter le tamis dentréeProcédure de démarrage du nettoyeur haute pression Emplacement du nettoyeur haute pressionUtilisation DU Nettoyeur Haute Pression Débattement autour du nettoyeur haute pressionRecommandé Commençant la Position Procédure darrêt du nettoyeur haute pressionTourner la buse dans le sens Utilisation de la buse réglableApplication de détergent avec la buse réglable Ménagers peuvent endommager la pompePour le rinçage Rinçage avec le nettoyeur haute pressionNettoyage du flexible dinjection de produit chimique Entretien DU Nettoyeur Haute Pression Recommandations Dentretien GénéralesCaractéristiques Entretien des joints toriques Entretien DU MoteurEntretien de la buse Entretien de la pompePlacer lappareil dans un endroit propre et sec Préparation DE Lappareil Avant DE LentreposerEntreposage DU Moteur Diagnostic DES Problèmes Symptôme Cause SolutionRemarques Garantie Limitée Sicherheitsvorkehrungen InhaltsverzeichnisGerätebeschreibung Gefahrenhinweise und ihre BedeutungBetrieb DES Geräts WarnungNachfüllen VON Kraftstoff Transport Oder Reparatur DES GerätsEinstellen Oder Reparieren DES Hochdruckreinigers Prüfen DER ZündkerzeVorsicht NotizPumpe mit automatischem Kennen SIE Ihre HochdruckreinigerLuftfilter Einstellbare Düse AbkühlsystemHochdruckreiniger Aus Dem Karton Nehmen ZusammenbauVorbereiten DES Hochdruckreinigers AUF DEN Einsatz VerpackungsinhaltAbb Aufstecken des L-Haken auf das Griffs Anschließen der Schläuche und der Wasserzufuhr an die PumpeMotoröl und Kraftstoff einfüllen Abb Anschließen des Hochdruckschlauchs an der SpritzpistoleGriff auf festen Sitz prüfen Abb Einlasssieb überprüfenAbb Anschließen des Gartenschlauchs an den Wassereinlass Inbetriebnahme des Hochdruckreinigers Verwendung DES HochdruckreinigersAufstellung des Hochdruckreinigers Erforderlicher Freiraum um den HochdruckreinigerAusschalten des Hochdruckreinigers Abb Empfohlen Fangend Position AnWichtig Speziell für Hochdruckreiniger bestimmte Verwenden der einstellbaren DüseReinigungsmittel mit einstellbarer Düse versprühen Zum Arbeiten mit Reinigungsmitteln wie folgt vorgehenAusspülen Abspülen mit dem HochdruckreinigerZusatzstoffschlauch reinigen Allgemeine Wartungsempfehlungen Technische DatenWartung DES Hochdruckreinigers Wartung der O-Ringe MotorwartungWartung der Düsen Wartung der ÖlpumpeDas Gerät an einem sauberen und trockenen Ort lagern Vorbereiten DES Geräts FÜR DIE LagerungLagern DES Motors Fehlersuche Hinweis Begrenzte Garantie Regras DE Segurança Tabela DE ConteúdoDescrição do Equipamento Etiqueta de AdvertênciaAO Adicionar Combustível AtençãoAspirar monóxido de carbono causa náusea, desmaios ou morte AO Operar O EquipamentoAO Ajustar OU Realizar Reparos EM SUA Lavadora À Pressão AO Testar a Vela do MotorCuidado AvisoEntrada de água Conecte a mangueira de jardim nesta entrada Conheça SUA Lavadora À PressãoCordão de partida Use para dar a partida manual do motor Remova a Lavadora à Pressão da Caixa MontagemPreparo DA Lavadora À Pressão Para USO Conteúdo da CaixaPosicione a lavadora à pressão em uma superfície nivelada Conecte a Mangueira e o Suprimento de Água à BombaAdicione Combustível e Óleo de Motor Figura 58 Inspecione a Tela de Entrada Como dar a Partida na Lavadora à Pressão Como Usar SUA Lavadora À PressãoLocalização da Lavadora a Pressão Vão da Lavadora a PressãoAtenção Como Desligar a sua Lavadora à PressãoPara aplicar detergente, siga estas etapas Como Usar o Bico AjustávelAplicação de Detergente com o Bico Ajustável Com movimentos longos, iguais e superpostosSistema Automático de Esfriamento Alívio Térmico Enxágüe com a Lavadora à PressãoLimpeza da Mangueira de Injeção de Produtos Químicos Para enxágüeRecomendações Gerais Para Manutenção EspecificaçõesManutenção DA Lavadora À Pressão Manutenção do Óleo da Bomba Manutenção do MotorManutenção do Anel de Vedação Preparo DA Unidade Para Armazenamento Armazenamento do MotorSolução DE Problemas Problema Causa CorreçãoNotas Garantia Limitada Reglas DE Seguridad Tabla DE ContenidosDescripción DEL Equipo Etiqueta de AdvertenciaCuando Opere EL Equipo AdvertenciaCuando Añada Combustible Cuando Transporte O Repare EL EquipoQuemaduras severas pueden ocurrir al hacer contacto Cuando Pruebe LA Bujía DEL MotorPrecaución Calcomanía Ejemplar de Datos no mostrado, el trasero Conozca SU Maquina Lavadora DE PresionFiltro de Aire Boquilla Ajustable Perilla del Cebador Usada para arranque de motores fríosRemueva el Lavador a Presión del Empaque MontajePreparando EL Lavador a Presión Para SU USO Contenido de la CajaGancho del Pistola Manguera Agregar Aceite al Motor y GasolinaConecte Manguera y Suministro de Agua a Bomba Lista de Revision Previa al Arranque Motor Figura 75 Inspeccione la Rejilla de EntradaCómo Darle Arranque a su Máquina Lavadora a Presión Cómo Usar SU Máquina Lavadora a PresiónUbicación del Lavadora a Presión Espacio Libre Alrededor del Lavadora a PresiónCómo Detener su Máquina Lavadora a Presión Figura 80 Posición Recomendada para el ArranquePara aplicar el detergente, siga los siguientes pasos Cómo Usar la Boquilla AjustableAplicación del Detergente Usando la Boquilla Ajustable Sistema de Enfriamiento Automático Alivio Térmico Enjuage de la Máquina Lavadora a PresiónLimpiando el Tubo Para EnjuageMantenimiento DE LA Maquina Lavadora a Presion EspecificacionesRecomendaciones Generales Mantenimiento de los Anillos O Mantenimiento DEL MotorMantenimiento de las Boquillas Mantenimiento de la BombaAlmacenando EL Motor Preparando LA Unidad Para SUAlmacenamiento Almacene la unidad en un lugar limpio y secoReparacion DE Averias Notas Notas Garantía Limitada