(1)Using a “Dr. Robin” or a circuit tester, measure the resistance of the field coil at the terminals.
( Ω)
MODEL | RGV2800 | RGV4100 | RGV6100 |
RESISTANCE | 1.75 Ω | 1.77 Ω | 1.60 Ω |
NOTE 1 :
Because a diode is soldered to the coil ends at the terminals, resistance may be measured only when tester probes touche the terminals in one combination of polarity. Therefore, if no resistance reading appears, try checking in reverse polarity.
NOTE 2 :
If the circuit tester is not sufficiently accurate, it may not show the values given and may give er- roneous readings. Erroneous reading will also occur when there is a wide variation of resistance among coil windings or when measurement is
performed at ambient temperatures different fromFig.
Use a “Dr. Robin” in capacitance meter mode to check the capacity of condensers.
Fig. | Fig. |
NOTE : Be sure to discharge condensers by shorting condenser leads each other before checking their capacitance, or the accurate reading cannot be obtained.
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