RS-232C Specifications and Commands
Computer control
A computer can be used to control the projector by connecting an
Communication conditions
Set the serial port settings of the computer to match that of the table.
Signal format: Conforms to | Parity bit: None |
Baud rate*: 9,600 bps / 38,400 bps / 115,200 bps | Stop bit: 1 bit |
Data length: 8 bits | Flow control: None |
*Set the projector’s baud rate to the same rate as used by the computer.
Basic format
Commands from the computer are sent in the following order: command, parameter, and return code. After the projector processes the command from the computer, it sends a response code to the computer.
Command format
C1 C2 C3 C4 P1 P2 P3 P4
Return code (0DH)
Command | Parameter |
Response code format |
Normal response | Problem response (communication error or incorrect command) |
Return code (0DH)
Return code (0DH)
•When you have more than one command to give to the projector, send each of them only after the re- sponse code for the previous one is received.
•“POWR????” “TABN _ _ _ 1” “TLPS _ _ _ 1” “TLPS _ _ _ 2” “TPOW _ _ _ 1” “TLPN _ _ _ 1” “TLTT _ _ _ 1” “TLTT _ _ _ 2” “TLTL _ _ _ 1” “TLTL _ _ _ 2” “TNAM _ _ _ 1” “MNRD _ _ _ 1” “SNRD _ _ _ 1” “PJN0 _ _ _ 1” When the projector receives a command shown above :
*The “Auto Power Off” timer will not be reset.
•When controlling the projector using the