Removes any RAID configuration data from the block device with the specified block ID.
All RAID group setup information is lost and you lose all RAID group data.
BlockDevClean [BlockDevID]
Lights the LED of a disk drive. Use either RAID GroupName and MemberIndex, or block ID.
BlockDevIdentify <GroupName> [BlockDevID MemberIndex]
Turns off the IO LED of a previously identified disk drive.
Lists all
FastStream SC 5300 only: If you wish to force rediscovery of all block devices, use the flush parameter. If you uses it, all existing RAID groups are forced offline until member block devices are discovered.
BlockDevScan <flush>
Boot Delay
Regulates the delay (in seconds) which the unit waits after startup before allowing hosts to detect target devices. The value 0 produces no delay.
Default: 5
set BootDelay
Reports specific model and firmware information.
get BridgeModel
Specifies an ASCII name assigned to the unit to identify individual units. It is not the World Wide Name. Changes take effect immediately. The name may be contain up to 8 characters.
set BridgeName [name]
SaveConfiguration Restart command required get BridgeName
Clears the contents of the EventLog. No new entries are recorded until the operation is completed.
Regulates the current date for this unit. The date range is 1/1/2000 to 12/31/2099.
set Date [MM] / [DD] / [YYYY] get Date
Assigns or retrieves the system’s default interleave size (in 512- byte blocks) for new RAID groups (before RGCommit has been used). If an interleave size is not explicitly specified when a RAID group is created, then the DefaultInterleave value is used instead.
Default: 128
set DefaultInterleave [16 32 64 128 256 512 1024 2048]
SaveConfiguration Restart command required get DefaultInterleave
Removes all mapped devices from the map table. Upon the subsequent POST, the default maps are loaded if no maps are present.
SaveConfiguration command required
Displays the EventLog.The event log may be filtered using the DisplayEventLogFilter command. The optional parameter n is the number of lines to be displayed as a single page with no user interaction. After the command has executed, use +, - or = to scroll through the log. Type quit and press Enter to exit the command.
DisplayEventLog <n>
Filters the display of data for specified subsystems and levels during DisplayEventLog mode. Valid event log subsystem entries are
Default: all all all
set DisplayEventLogFilter [subsystem all] [level all] [all none]
get DisplayEventLogFilter [subsystem all] [level all]
ATTO Technology Inc. FastStream SC Installation and Operation Manual